Lola Gonzalez Studio Lola Gonzalez Studio                            

Initially coming from the dance field, Lola would describe herself as an interdisciplinary artist/designer. By combining, psychosomatics, technology and body movements she sees her work as tools to access our deepest and authentic selves. 
Through sensory, experiential and interactive work, she is particularly interested in exploring collective energy within the landscape of contemporary society, body memory, its body expression through movements as means of internal healing and understanding our own personal stories and heritage.

She completed her BA in the Design Academy Eindhoven in 2023, for which she received a Cum Laude. She has also obtained a diploma as a specialist in psychosomatic therapy and is currently exploring technology as a tool for interpreting movements from the body as symbolic embodiment.

She believes that the body holds our unconscious memories and that our movements can serve as a tool for accessing them. By becoming aware of these memories and listening to our movements, we could potentially break free from their negative influences and gain insight into our own behaviours, potentially helping prevent or fight disease.


01 The Interactive Digital Oracle 

How can ancient body knowledge and technology meet to provide better understanding on our body ailments? 

The Interactive Digital Oracle is rooted in research on ancient knowledge of the body and holistic practices to provide a better understanding of our bodily ailments in today's modern, technological yet disconnected society.

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Design Academy

02 Healing (e)motion - Archive

How to facilitate body movement expression to release emotional blockages?

In opposition with the intellectual memory, the body memory is the part of ourselves that we can’t really influence, it is beyond our control, it is the one of our past and forgotten feelings. In Chinese medicine but also in theories from Sigmond Freud, Carl Jung or Salomon Sellam, it is told that while our brain can’t remember what happened when we were three years old, our body never forgets and saves every moment, an infinite sensory and bodily impressions which are not conscious but still act on us.

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Design Academy

03 A dance out of randomness

The body is the message, embodied presence in cinema.
Workshop by Karel Tuytchaever with Cinedans Fest’23.
Digital physicality - audio visual piece.  

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EYE filmmuseum Amsterdam

04 Five Commands 

Artist manifesto highlighting the points that drive her practice. 

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Design Academy

05 The modular reflexology based carpet

How can feet reflexology be a tool to help awaken body memories through body movements?

Elaboration of a modular carpet based on 15 chinese pressure points as a therapeutic/medical tool for body movement exploration and comprehension.

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Design Academy Eindhoven/
Milan Design Week

06 Body Memory

Mother says there are locked rooms inside all humans.
Kitchen of lust, bedrooms of grief, bathrooms of empathy. Sometimes people they come with keys and sometimes, they come with hammers.
These rooms are hidden in the unconscious and filled with memories.
-Knock knock!
Those locked rooms are your body’s afflictions, they reflect your past, your forgotten feelings.
-Knock Knock!
Can’t you hear it? It’s talking to you.
Sit with yourself and feel all these depths.
I am a body, you are too.
The bigger the body, the more locked rooms there are.
If you don’t make time for your wellness, you will have to make time for your illness.
It is not a restriction, it is a key for freedom.
Mother says there are locked rooms inside all bodies, bodies that haven’t yet realised: they are the key.

Text adapted by me from Warsan Shire and Joyce Sunada.
Performed narration.

Design Academy

07 Harvest of Kinetic Memory


How do our bodies will remember this collective experience?

How can this memory help to build body knowledge for the future?

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Design Academy Eindhoven

08 The Village People

What does relying on nature really mean?

When we live in a society with so much abundance, do we truly know what we need to survive? How can we look our surroundings to learn more about where things come from, or how we might apply them in our own lives? More importantly, how can we live more harmoniously with nature by taking only what we need? What is enough? 

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Design Academy Eindhoven

09 Free Restriction

Tell me what you do and I will tell you who you are.

Garment and performative piece.

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Ile de la Reunion

Selected workSelected work