Lola Gonzalez Studio                            

Initially coming from the dance field, Lola would describe herself as an interdisciplinary artist/designer. By combining, psychosomatics, technology and body movements she sees her work as tools to access our deepest and authentic selves. 
Through sensory, experiential and interactive work, she is particularly interested in exploring collective energy within the landscape of contemporary society, body memory, its body expression through movements as means of internal healing and understanding our own personal stories and heritage.

She completed her BA in the Design Academy Eindhoven in 2023, for which she received a Cum Laude. She has also obtained a diploma as a specialist in psychosomatic therapy and is currently exploring technology as a tool for interpreting movements from the body as symbolic embodiment.

She believes that the body holds our unconscious memories and that our movements can serve as a tool for accessing them. By becoming aware of these memories and listening to our movements, we could potentially break free from their negative influences and gain insight into our own behaviours, potentially helping prevent or fight disease.



YEAR:     2021LOCATION: Design Academy Eindhoven


Celine Castagnet
Klara Branting Paulsell
Colline Toutain
Leo Reynier Prat
Clemens Tomlow
Marianne Guermonprez
Lola Gonzalez
Camila d’Etutt d’Assay
Janneke Schreuder
Eliska Janeckova
Eros Risiglione
Camille Pelissou
Ori Orisun Merhav
Nadine Rauterberg
With the ‘Village People’ we looked at how we can use Willows and Reeds - two commonly found raw materials - to explore the theme ‘hunger’. Using only nature and our own two hands, we made different tools and shelters to uncover more about where we come from and how we might be able to apply our local resources into everyday life. Taking a step back enables us to contemplate the environment from a whole new perspective.

We headed outside to pratice the mindset of hunter-gatherers. With the focus to question our everyday environment from a different perspective - what does relying on nature really mean? This is an excursion where we harvert materials from our local surroundings not as carftmen, but as survivors. We huntered for stories and gathered information that we tried to translate into reality.

We as students from Design Academy Eindhoven had a need to be in nature, to be surrounded by people once again, to learn from each other and to collaborate in order to create a larger entity. To re-connect, to re-discover what is important for us. The need to go extreme to stisfaction of what is missing. To start from scartch. To go back to where we came from and to remember our roots. To follow our fascinations as a piece of a larger whole. But mostly to play, have fun and to make memories.

We were more interested in the process of what it is to work and build together by starting from scartch. We aimed to live in our village for few days, to experience what we have made and ultimately react and explore what it is like to be in this space that we have created together.

This village was organised in different focus (projet), which constituted the village itself:
-Water systems and sourcing.
-Philosophy and structure
-Food and Kitchen
-Structures and shelter
-Social Dynamics and communication
-Movement and self-expression. (Harvest of kinetic memory project).


Selected work