Lola Gonzalez Studio                            

Initially coming from the dance field, Lola would describe herself as an interdisciplinary artist/designer. By combining, psychosomatics, technology and body movements she sees her work as tools to access our deepest and authentic selves. 
Through sensory, experiential and interactive work, she is particularly interested in exploring collective energy within the landscape of contemporary society, body memory, its body expression through movements as means of internal healing and understanding our own personal stories and heritage.

She completed her BA in the Design Academy Eindhoven in 2023, for which she received a Cum Laude. She has also obtained a diploma as a specialist in psychosomatic therapy and is currently exploring technology as a tool for interpreting movements from the body as symbolic embodiment.

She believes that the body holds our unconscious memories and that our movements can serve as a tool for accessing them. By becoming aware of these memories and listening to our movements, we could potentially break free from their negative influences and gain insight into our own behaviours, potentially helping prevent or fight disease.



YEAR:     2023
LOCATION: EYE Filmmuseum Amsterdam

CREDITS: Helder Onkelinx
         Eduard Michalko
The starting point was physicality and embodiment in arts. Physicality in the context of the relationship a person has with their own body. Embodiment; how as an artist one uses one’s body to be part of, or come to the creation of a work.
The focus of the workshop lied on encounter, connectivity and practical exploration of the inter-disciplines. The starting point was Karel Tuytschaever’s film EASY TIGER. 

Through this exploration we questionned as a group how the physicality of a body could be felt without actually seeing the body. How to create a digital dance and narration from random textures and close ups that we gathered as a group ?
The absence of a physical body is then replaced by a suggested digital presence who guides the viewer in a created abstract story.

Script of a digital Choreography
Selected work